Order High Quality Organic Green Tea In The UK

Order High Quality Organic Green Tea In The UK

Green tea has been one of the most popular for many years now, especially for those looking to enjoy a healthier lifestyle. 

It’s famous as a ‘superfood’ because of the myriad health benefits it offers. Pick our organic green tea and you’ll have the added benefit of leaves grown without synthetic pesticides, herbicides or fertilisers. In this blog we’ll explore the biggest benefits of green tea, and how it can benefit your skin, heart, mental health and much more.

It’s a rich source of antioxidants.

Antioxidants are compounds that help neutralise harmful free radicals in your body, which are linked to ageing and diseases like cancer. Green tea contains a unique type of antioxidant called’ catechins’, with epigallocatechin gallate (a name which is quite a mouthful!) being the most potent.

When you choose our organic green tea, you’ll have leaves that are grown in the absence of harmful chemicals. This is important because they can sometimes affect the quality of the antioxidants. UK Cup of Tea provides green tea in its purest form, so you can enjoy its maximum antioxidant benefits. 

Looking to lose weight this season? Green tea could help.

Green tea is believed to enhance fat burning, particularly during exercise. The catechins in green tea work together with caffeine to boost metabolism, allowing your body to burn more calories. Several studies have suggested that green tea may increase fat oxidation, particularly during moderate physical activity.

Again, organic green tea may be particularly beneficial here, because synthetic chemicals used in non-organic farming could potentially interfere with the delicate balance of natural compounds that promote fat loss. Drinking organic ensures you’re not introducing any unwanted toxins into your system that could counteract the health benefits.

It can help make us more mentally alert.

Looking to reduce how much caffeine you drink in 2025? Caffeine is present in green tea, but in much lower amounts. 

Too much coffee can often lead to jitters and anxiety due to its high caffeine content. Organic green tea provides just enough caffeine to give you a mental boost without the risk of overstimulation.

Green tea also contains the amino acid L-theanine. This works in harmony with caffeine to improve brain function. This combination is known to increase the production of dopamine and alpha waves in the brain, which can enhance mood, improve focus, and promote relaxation. With organic green tea, you can enjoy these cognitive benefits while avoiding potentially harmful chemicals.

Improve the health of your heart.

Green tea has been linked to improved heart health, making it a wonderful addition to your diet. Regular consumption has been shown to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and improve the function of blood vessels. This can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, which are a leading cause of death in the UK.

Organic green tea may provide even greater heart health benefits, as it is free from synthetic additives that might be harmful to your cardiovascular system. 

Lower the risk of certain cancers.

Another significant advantage of green tea, particularly organic varieties, is its potential to lower the risk of certain cancers. The high levels of antioxidants, particularly EGCG, may help protect cells from oxidative damage, which is one of the leading causes of cancer. Some research has suggested that green tea may lower the risk of breast, prostate, and colorectal cancers.

When drinking organic green tea, you’re ensuring that you’re not ingesting any carcinogenic chemicals that might be present in non-organic teas. This can provide additional peace of mind for those concerned about their overall health and wellness.

Promote the health of your skin. 

Did you know, green tea regularly has been linked to improved skin elasticity, reduced inflammation, and fewer wrinkles? It’s therefore just as good an investment as creams or serums. 

Green tea is also renowned for its benefits to the skin. The antioxidants, particularly EGCG, can help protect the skin from damage caused by UV rays and reduce the signs of ageing. 

Organic green tea is particularly advantageous for skin health because it avoids the use of pesticides and synthetic chemicals, which can sometimes have adverse effects on skin when ingested over time. Choosing organic ensures that your skin is benefiting from pure, natural ingredients.

Detoxify your body. 

Green tea is renowned for its detoxifying properties. Our organic green tea can act as a natural cleanser for your body, helping to flush out toxins and waste. Since it’s grown without the use of harmful chemicals, it ensures a purer detox experience, with no risk of introducing more toxins through your drink.

Green tea’s natural diuretic properties help rid the body of excess fluid and reduce bloating. It’s therefore the ideal choice for those looking to cleanse and reset their system. This makes organic green tea an excellent alternative to more aggressive detox products that may contain artificial or harmful ingredients.

Find out more about our organic green tea. Or simply contact us for more information.

Posted by Simon Chapple
9th September 2024

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