Refreshing and Cooling Mint Teas


Try our selection of refreshing mint teas. It has often been said that mint infusions help your digestion, whilst also cleansing your palate.

Whenever you drink mint teas you will find them cooling and refreshing.

We offer a wide range of flavours, either as loose leaf tea or as a tea bag.




Sweet Nana Mint
Caffeine Free
Sweet Nana Mint
Nana (Arabic: na'na' = mint) is a large-leafed, aromatic mint plant with a high percentage of essential oils. The infusion is a real thirst-quencher with no fruity notes but with a delicious and vitalizing spearmint taste.
Caffeine Free
A cool refreshing caffeine free infusion made from Peppermint leaves. Peppermint has a pure natural menthol like character that refreshes and relaxes. Delicious after food and great at aiding digestion too.
Althaus Peppermint Herbal Teabags Deli PackAlthaus Peppermint Herbal Teabags Deli Pack
Caffeine Free
Althaus Peppermint Herbal Teabags Deli Pack
Herbal Infusion - an easy to drink relaxing herbal infusion, full of freshness with natural menthol. Each teabag is individually wrapped in an aroma protection sachet for perfect freshness. Brewing time: 5-8 min