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Paradox Tea Timer RedParadox Tea Timer Red
Paradox Tea Timer
Bright, eye catching tea timer that makes even the preparation of tea an experience - the perfect gift. The brewing time just flies by thanks to the paradox granulate flow, from the bottom to the top. Also available in blue, black, lime green, pink, yellow, orange and green 
Paradox Tea Timer PinkParadox Tea Timer Pink
Paradox Tea Timer
Bright, eye catching tea timer that makes even the preparation of tea an experience - the perfect gift. The brewing time just flies by thanks to the paradox granulate flow, from the bottom to the top. Also available in blue, black, lime green, red, yellow, orange and green 

Paradox Tea Timer BlackParadox Tea Timer Black
Paradox Tea Timer
Bright, eye catching tea timer that makes even the preparation of tea an experience - the perfect gift. The brewing time just flies by thanks to the paradox granulate flow, from the bottom to the top. Also available in blue, pink, lime green, red, yellow, orange and green 
Paradox Tea Timer YellowParadox Tea Timer Yellow
Paradox Tea Timer
Bright, eye catching tea timer that makes even the preparation of tea an experience - the perfect gift. The brewing time just flies by thanks to the paradox granulate flow, from the bottom to the top. Also available in blue, black, lime green, red, pink, orange and green 

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Paradox Timers

Paradox hourglasses by 4everTREND make your time more colorful. Be it as a Cooking Timer, a Relax Timer or an Office Timer. Time doesn’t run backwards, but paradoxically, it runs upwards. Is there a more perfect gift? One that would stick in your memory longer than this? Paradox hourglasses are high-class, durable products. Bona fide quality...