1kg Bulk Bag
Flavoured Green Tea
First Flush FTGFOP 1 Black Tea
First Flush Black Tea
First Flush Organic Black Tea
Second Flush Organic Black Tea
Second Flush Black Tea
Organic Black Tea
Black Tea
Tea Bags
Black Tea
Loose Leaf - Black Tea
Black Tea
Black Tea
Organic GFBOP
(Assam/Java Blend)
Black Tea
Black Teabags
Deli Pack
Grand Pack Tea Bags
Black Tea
Ceylon OP
Black Tea
Afternoon Black Tea
Decaffeinated Breakfast Tea
Black Tea
Black Teabags
Deli Pack
English Breakfast Tea Bags
Black Tea
Flavoured Black Tea
Black Tea
Black Tea
Mao Feng Black Tea
If you love tea then you have come to the right place! Only the finest handpicked tea leaves will find a place in your cup.
We have a delicious range of different teas that come as tea bags or as loose-leaf teas! With so much choice how do you choose which type of tea is best for you? We can help get you started:
White Tea: The taste of white tea is exceptionally mild, with a light, almost honey-like sweetness and a dilute finish. The brewed tea is not white, but a pale yellow colour.
Oolong Tea: Many people have heard of oolong tea, but few can define it. Oolong teas can be either partially oxidised, a lighter processing style that makes it resemble a green tea, or heavily oxidized, giving them the taste, look and feel of a black tea.
Black Tea: Black tea remains the most popular tea variety worldwide with a rich cultural importance in many countries. While all black teas tend to be stronger in taste and higher in caffeine, they come in a kaleidoscope of flavours – and we are proud to stock some of the best from around the world.
Green Tea: The distinctive flavour and versatility of green tea make it a popular choice around the world. There are many different types of green tea, each characterised by their own distinct qualities and flavours but all extraordinarily fresh, fragrant and sweet.
Earl Grey and Flavoured Teas: High quality herbs, spices, fruit and blossoms can be blended with black teas to give it some added tongue-tingling taste.
Herbal Tea: Packed with flavour, using freshly picked whole herbs or flowers they offer a delicious alternative to traditional teas as well as supporting good health and wellbeing! New to herbal tea? Why not try our recommended Camomile Blossom or Peppermint infusions!
Fruit Tea: Fruit teas are a refreshing naturally caffeine free alternative to traditional teas, ranging from summer-influenced flavours such as Wild Fruits Organic to seasonally-spiced winter teas.
Rooibos Tea: Almost similar in flavour to mild black tea, Rooibos has deliciously earthy yet refreshing underlined notes. Being naturally caffeine-free and full of healthy trace elements, including Vitamin C it is meant to give your body a feeling of wellbeing. Stick with the delicious classic or try one of our best-selling infusions such as Rooibos Cream Orange!
The relationship between China and tea is long. As one of the world’s largest producers throughout history there are many types of tea that have been produced there.
- White Tea: China’s Fujian Province is seen as the birthplace of white tea and is known as the feather in the jeweled tea crown of Fujian. However, white tea has also been produced elsewhere.
- Oolong Tea: Another tea that originated in the Fujian province of China! First produced there over 400 years ago it is now primarily sourced from Taiwan and southern china.
- Black Tea: Known now as an incredibly popular drink in the west, this tea was first produced during the Ming dynasty in the Fujian Province. Earl Grey tea is traditionally a Chinese black tea blend!
- Green Tea: Throughout history green tea has been at the heart of Chinese tea production. A firm favourite of the country, it is produced in a variety of different areas such as the Zhejiang Province.
Similarly to China, there is a long and interesting history between the country and tea! Tea has been celebrated in Japan for many centuries and this is a tradition that is very much alive today.
- Green Tea: Japan is well known for the production of green tea, the most famous and celebrated type being Matcha. The best-known areas for tea production in Japan are Shizuoka and Uji.
Not only does India produce a large amount of tea as the second largest producer of tea in the world, they are also a nation of tea lovers!
- Chai Tea: The popular spicy Chai Tea originates from India and is commonly known as the national drink in the country – although popularity worldwide is steadily increasing!
- Black Tea: We have India to thank for the delicious Assam & Darjeeling tea blends! They are exclusively produced in the aptly named Assam & Darjeeling regions!
Tea production is now one of the largest industries for the country! It has provided jobs for over a million workers – all tasks with helping to produce delicious tea!
- Black Tea: Small in size but mighty in tea production, the tropical island of Sri Lanka produces some of the world’s finest black tea. Formerly known as Ceylon, the nation of Sri Lanka produces the popular Ceylon Tea for the world to enjoy!
The country of south Africa exclusively produces the delicious rooibos tea for the consumption of the world.
- Rooibos Tea: Rooibos has been loved by the south African people for years. Now it is becoming more recognized around the world and steadily gaining in popularity!
There are many other countries that produce some tasty brew for us to enjoy! At cup of tea we are happy to be able to make these available for you:
Increasingly people are switching to loose leaf tea due to the range of benefits that they can provide!
If you’re wondering why you should make the change and ditch the tea bags then you’ve come to the right place! Here are our reasons for our loose-leaf preference:
- High Quality: Loose leaf tea is fresh and made with the finest ingredients. This is important for great tasting tea as it improves both taste and aroma!
- Cost Effective: Loose leaf tea can help you save money! This tea can be re-steeped more than once meaning you can truly get your money’s worth!
- More Variety: Generally, you are more limited in choice with tea bags. If you are looking for true variety then loose-leaf tea is the way to go, with so many different varieties for each type of tea - you are spoilt for choice!
Tea Timetable
We offer an excellent variety of beautiful brews that taste good all day long! However, there are some teas better for early risers, that deliver a much needed kick for the day, and others that can help you relax and get that much-needed early night!
We’ve put together a timetable for you to follow if you want the perfect balance of flavour and energy throughout the day!
- Breakfast: The best way to start any day is with a robust and full flavoured tea such as Althaus English Breakfast! Ideal with milk and sugar, this is a firm favourite breakfast tea!
- Afternoon Tea: A delicious brew is needed here to keep us fresh and ready for the rest of the day. Why not try our Althaus Peppermint tea? It’s refreshing and relaxing to help you wind down and look towards a peaceful evening!
- Nightcap: After a long and busy day it’s essential to get a good night’s sleep and wake up fresh the next day! We suggest our Althaus Camomile tea, a tasty infusion that makes you relaxed and sleepy!
How to Brew Loose Leaf tea
You may be worried that the brewing process for loose leaf tea is more complex than that of a tea bag. We have some good news - it’s just a simple!
Whether you want to use the loose leaves or try a tea bag infusion, the standard process is the same.
The standard process is as follows:
- Boil some freshly poured cold water
- Place the tea leaves in a tea strainer
- Pour the hot water over the leaves
- Steep the tea for the appropriate amount of time
- Strain the tea
- Add a dash of milk to taste, sweeten if required
- Sit back and enjoy!
Brewing Table
Depending on the type of tea you have chosen, ingredients, time and colours of the tea will vary.
To make the process easier for you each of our tea categories have a brewing table consisting of the following:
Amount of tea leaves
Time taken to brew
Colour of tea when brewed
NOTE: Please make sure to read the individual brewing instructions on each pack of tea.
If you’re using loose leaf tea there is essential Teaware for you to use that will truly enhance your experience!
However, at Cup of Tea we offer a wide range of tea ware that can be used for all tea types!
- Tea Infuser: These pieces of teaware are essential to the successful brewing of fine loose-leaf teas. All leaf teas need space to unfurl and release their flavour during the brewing process and our filters and strainers allow them to do just that.
- Tea Pots: No tea set is complete without a good tea pot! Thankfully we offer a wide variety, ranging from Glass tea pots to Cast Iron!
- Mugs & Cups: Enjoy your tea in style with our range of design-led cups and mugs. Choose from glass, bone china, porcelain, and other fine materials.
- Tea Timers: It is so easy to spoil a tea by over or under brewing. Why not use one of our timers to brew your tea for the optimum amount of time and ensure that you always drink it when it's at its very best?